Le système d'exploitation utilisé est Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS x64.
Les paquets suivants sont requis :
Ils sont installées depuis les dépôts Ubuntu, par exemple à l'aide de la commande :
~$ sudo apt-get install python python-serial
Bibliothèque pyBusPirateLite
Des bibliothèques permettant de piloter le Bus Pirate en mode binaire sont disponibles sur sa forge, et plus particulièrement la bibliothèque pyBusPirateLite. La version utilisée dans cet article est la release 598. Il est possible de la récupérer sur la forge ou en téléchargeant cette archive.
Pilotage du MAX7219
Une présentation du MAX7219 a déjà été proposée dans cet article.
Bibliothèque MAX7219
Le meilleur moyen de produire du logiciel modulaire et réutilisable est de développer une bibliothèque. La bibliothèque MAX7219 est composée de deux fichiers :
Le fichier constitue l'API de la bibliothèque.
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Copyright (C) 2011 Julien Le Sech - The MAX7219 Bus Pirate library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MAX7219 Bus Pirate library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see """ from serial.serialutil import SerialException from pyBusPirateLite.SPI import * from max7219_constants import * class ShutdownMode: """ Shutdown modes. """ Shutdown = 0x00 NormalOperation = 0x01 class DisplayTest: """ Display test modes. """ NormalOperation = 0x00 TestMode = 0x01 class ScanLimit: """ Scan limits. """ Digit0 = 0x00 Digit0To1 = 0x01 Digit0To2 = 0x02 Digit0To3 = 0x03 Digit0To4 = 0x04 Digit0To5 = 0x05 Digit0To6 = 0x06 Digit0To7 = 0x07 class Intensity: """ Intensities. """ Level0 = 0x00 Level1 = 0x01 Level2 = 0x02 Level3 = 0x03 Level4 = 0x04 Level5 = 0x05 Level6 = 0x06 Level7 = 0x07 Level8 = 0x08 Level9 = 0x09 Level10 = 0x0A Level11 = 0x0B Level12 = 0x0C Level13 = 0x0D Level14 = 0x0E Level15 = 0x0F class DecodeMode: """ Decode modes. """ NoDecode = 0x00 Digit0 = 0x01 Digit1 = 0x02 Digit2 = 0x04 Digit3 = 0x08 Digit4 = 0x10 Digit5 = 0x20 Digit6 = 0x40 Digit7 = 0x80 AllDigits = 0xFF class Digit: """ Digits. """ Digit0 = 0x01 Digit1 = 0x02 Digit2 = 0x03 Digit3 = 0x04 Digit4 = 0x05 Digit5 = 0x06 Digit6 = 0x07 Digit7 = 0x08 class Character: """ Characters. """ Zero = 0x00 One = 0x01 Two = 0x02 Three = 0x03 Four = 0x04 Five = 0x05 Six = 0x06 Seven = 0x07 Eight = 0x08 Nine = 0x09 Dash = 0x0A E = 0x0B H = 0x0C L = 0x0D P = 0x0E Blank = 0x0F class Segment: """ Segments. """ DP = 0x80 A = 0x40 B = 0x20 C = 0x10 D = 0x08 E = 0x04 F = 0x02 G = 0x01 class Max7219: """ This class allow to drive a MAX7219 using Bus Pirate. """ def __init__(self, port, baudrate): self.port = port self.baudrate = baudrate self.spi = SPI(self.port, self.baudrate) def initialize(self): """ Initialize and configure Bus Pirate to drive a MAX7219. """ # Enter BitBang mode. self.spi.BBmode() # Enter SPI mode. self.spi.enter_SPI() # Set SPI speed. self.spi.set_speed(SPISpeed._1MHZ) # Configure pins. self.spi.cfg_pins(PinCfg.POWER | PinCfg.CS) # Configure SPI. self.spi.cfg_spi(SPICfg.OUT_TYPE | SPICfg.CLK_EDGE) def set_shutdown_mode(self, shutdown_mode): """ Set shutdown mode. """ self.write(REG_SHUTDOWN, shutdown_mode) def set_display_test(self, display_test): """ Set display test mode. """ self.write(REG_DISPLAY_TEST, display_test) def set_scan_limit(self, scan_limit): """ Set scan limit. """ self.write(REG_SCAN_LIMIT, scan_limit) def set_intensity(self, intensity): """ Set intensity. """ self.write(REG_INTENSITY, intensity) def set_decode_mode(self, decode_mode): """ Set decode mode. """ self.write(REG_DECODE_MODE, decode_mode) def write_digit(self, digit, value, decimal_point = False): """ Write digit value. """ if decimal_point == True: value = value | 0x80 self.write(digit, value) def write(self, address, value): """ Write register value. """ self.spi.CS_Low() self.spi.bulk_trans(2, [address, value]) self.spi.CS_High()
Ses différents membres sont importés à l'aide de la directive :
from max7219 import *
Les adresses des registres du MAX7219 sont contenues dans le fichier
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Copyright (C) 2011 Julien Le Sech - This file is part of the MAX7219 Bus Pirate library. The MAX7219 Bus Pirate library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MAX7219 Bus Pirate library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see """ REG_NO_OP = 0x00 REG_DIGIT_0 = 0x01 REG_DIGIT_1 = 0x02 REG_DIGIT_2 = 0x03 REG_DIGIT_3 = 0x04 REG_DIGIT_4 = 0x05 REG_DIGIT_5 = 0x06 REG_DIGIT_6 = 0x07 REG_DIGIT_7 = 0x08 REG_DECODE_MODE = 0x09 REG_INTENSITY = 0x0A REG_SCAN_LIMIT = 0x0B REG_SHUTDOWN = 0x0C REG_DISPLAY_TEST = 0x0F
Interpréteur Python
Piloter le MAX7219 via l'interpréteur Python est sans doute le meilleur moyen de le découvrir et de comprendre son fonctionnement.
On se place dans le dossier de la bibliothèque.
~$ cd pyBusPirateLite/
On lance le shell Python.
~/pyBusPirateLite$ python
La console affiche le prompt.
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 16:22:56) [GCC 4.4.5] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
On pilote le MAX7219.
>>> from max7219 import * >>> device = Max7219('/dev/ttyUSB0', 115200) >>> device.initialize() >>> device.set_scan_limit(ScanLimit.Digit0To7) >>> device.set_intensity(Intensity.Level15) >>> device.set_decode_mode(DecodeMode.AllDigits) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit0, Character.Zero) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit1, Character.One) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit2, Character.Two) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit3, Character.Three) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit4, Character.Four) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit5, Character.Five) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit6, Character.Six) >>> device.write_digit(Digit.Digit7, Character.Seven) >>> device.set_shutdown_mode(ShutdownMode.NormalOperation)
Logiciel de démonstration
Une fois le fonctionnement du MAX7219 assimilé, il peut être intéressant d'en garder une trace qui sera consultable ultérieurement. C'est pourquoi on écrit maintenant un logiciel de démonstration exploitant la bibliothèque développée précédemment.
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Copyright (C) 2011 Julien Le Sech - This file is part of the MAX7219 library for Bus Pirate. This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)b any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for moredetails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see """ import argparse import sys from max7219 import * def main(): """ This program drives a MAX7219 using Bus Pirate in binary mode. """ # Parse arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-p", "--port", dest = "port", default = "/dev/ttyUSB0", help = "Serial port to use.") parser.add_argument( "-b", "--baudrate", dest = "baudrate", default = "115200", help = "Baudrate") args = parser.parse_args() print "Serial port = " + args.port print "Baudrate = " + args.baudrate # Create MAX7219 object. device = Max7219(args.port, args.baudrate) # Initialize MAX7219. device.initialize() # Set scan limit. device.set_scan_limit(ScanLimit.Digit0To7) # Set intensity. device.set_intensity(Intensity.Level15) # Set decode mode. device.set_decode_mode(DecodeMode.AllDigits) # Write digits. device.write_digit(Digit.Digit0, Character.Zero) device.write_digit(Digit.Digit1, Character.One) device.write_digit(Digit.Digit2, Character.Two) device.write_digit(Digit.Digit3, Character.Three) device.write_digit(Digit.Digit4, Character.Four) device.write_digit(Digit.Digit5, Character.Five) device.write_digit(Digit.Digit6, Character.Six) device.write_digit(Digit.Digit7, Character.Seven) # Enable display. device.set_shutdown_mode(ShutdownMode.NormalOperation) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
La bibliothèque MAX7219 pour le Bus Pirate est placée, tout comme la bibliothèque pyBusPirateLite, sous licence GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.
Au travers de cet article, on vient d'expérimenter le pilotage du contrôleur d'affichage MAX7219 qui a précédemment fait l'objet d'un article purement théorique. Mais on vient également de découvrir un outil conçu et développé pour ce genre d'expérimentation : le Bus Pirate et son mode binaire.